Happy Friday! Today is our #4Q’s Round-Up …  our Twitter and Facebook chatter explored email clients and web browsers, Google Reader replacements, and how to manage email. Read on:

What web browser do you use? Why?

There are different contenders for most popular, depending if you are on a phone or tablet or using a desktop. The warring parties includeInternet Explorer and Chrome for desktop browsers and it is Safari vs. the native Android browser for mobile devices.

What email client do you use? Why?

As a person who is frequently on the go, I prefer phone or web-based applications that support Gmail. And, apparently, I’m not alone. The trend seems to be moving people away from Outlook.

Will you miss Google Reader? What have you replaced Google Reader with?

The countdown to the July 1 end is nearing … the New York Times is all about Feedly and for now, so are we. But, there are lots of alternatives if Feedly isn’t working.

What would make managing email easier?

There are strategies like Inbox Zero that have something of a cult following and can be pretty effective. And, I’ve been trying out the Mailbox app on my phone — it has a nifty sorting function. But, for this blogger, the key seems to be consistency. Giving the old inbox some time and attention on a regular basis seems to be the magic. There’s something compelling aboutblogger Matt Gemmell’s suggestion to be ruthless, too. Our own Lory Whittet proposed unsubscribing from email you delete, to which Dave Schultz responded that unsubscribing actually lets spammers know that your email address is valid – it’s better to use the spam filters in your email instead!

An invitation: You can let us know your viewpoint — here, on Facebook, or on Twitter — Monday through Thursday, we pose questions ranging from lighter fare to industry-focused topics. Every Friday we look back at the week and dig a little deeper. If you are on Twitter, we are @ProLitho —  please follow us, and join the discussion about this week’s #4Qs. We’d also love to have you check us out at Facebook and LinkedIn.