Happy Friday! And, welcome spring — and soon, summer! — and enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. We do our Friday #4Q’s Round-Up …  our Twitter and Facebook chatter explored iPhone v. Android, streaming music, social media quality v. quantity, and recharging after a big project. Read on:

iPhone or Android?

Those that weighed in are tied – one vote for iPhone and one for Android. Professional Litho’s Customer Service Representative Dave Schultz got behind his preference saying, “Android all the way. Open source software, various hardware configurations. I love my Galaxy Note II and its 5.55” screen.”

Do you subscribe to a streaming music service?

Survey says that streaming music via Pandora is more popular than FM radio for listeners between the ages of 13 and 35. But now, Pandora has some competition, since Google launched its new streaming service. The jury is out on how it will do — Pandora is free, while Google’s service is $10 per month.

With social media is quality more important than quantity?

We always encourage a focus on quality — some companies have had trouble with fake likes and followers. We liked these tips for building a genuine and engaged following.

How do you recharge after a big project?

Many say they benefit from spending time in nature or there’s simply taking a true break. Whatever you do, a recharge is important to keep high-quality creative work. We plan to get outside and enjoy some of the spring weather.

An invitation: You can let us know your viewpoint — here, on Facebook, or on Twitter — Monday through Thursday, we pose questions ranging from lighter fare to industry-focused topics. Every Friday we look back at the week and dig a little deeper. If you are on Twitter, we are @ProLitho —  please follow us, and join the discussion about this week’s #4Qs. We’d also love to have you check us out at Facebook and LinkedIn.